RWC John Guest Absperrhahn 12mm Rohr

16,41 inkl. MwSt./Tax

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Anwendungen für Trinkwasser
Die Produktreihe PM für metrische Rohrabmessungen wird aus schwarzem Acetalcopolymer (POM) Kunststoff hergestellt und ist mit lebensmittelechten Nitril-O-Ringen ausgestattet.
Die Produktreihe kann insbesondere für flüssige Medien, Luft sowie inerte Gase eingesetzt werden und ist daher auch für N2 und CO2 geeignet.
Weiterhin eignen sich die Produkte der PM-Serie für Pneumatik- und Vakuumanwendungen in den verschiedensten Industriebereichen.

Quickly and safely isolates a fixture or appliance via an integrated 1/4 turn isolation valve John Guest push-fit polypropylene Speedfit to Speedfit
push-fit shut off valve isolates supply to a fixture or appliance. Fast and simple to install,
John Guest valves create an instant push-fit connection and leak tight seal without the need for tools, hot works or sealing agents.

The unique collet locking design firmly and securely holds the pipe in place without deforming the pipe or restricting flow.
John Guest push-fit valves are corrosion resistant and fully demountable, improving system performance and reducing system downtime during maintenance.Manufactured in polypropylene with an EDPM O-Ring, the valve offers greater chemical resistance than the push-fit acetal valve and is suitable
for potable water (10 bar at 20oC), intermittent hot water (4 bar at 60oC), water treatment and purification applications.
All John Guest fittings are manufactured and assembled in the UK.

Features and benefits
Durable polypropylene shut off valve with EDPM O-Ring offers high chemical resistance
Integral 1/4 turn isolation valve
Instant push-fit connection and leak tight seal
Connect, disconnect and reconnect in seconds without tools
No scale build up improves performance and equipment lifespan
Superior flow characteristics
Suitable for potable liquid, intermittent hot water, water treatment and purification applications. Not suitable for compressed air, vacuum, explosive gases, petroleum spirit or other fuel or heating systems.
Compatible with LLDPE or soft metal pipe/tubing


Artikelnummer: PPMSV041212W Kategorien: , , Schlagwörter: , , , , , , Marke:
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